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我们的倡导Our Advocacy
优雅 深度 负有责任感的旅行
Travel with elegance, depth and responsibility

Motivate travel via notion, and change our life via travel. Voyage magazine is a pioneer in premium travel. It′s customized for elites who have global vision and are willing to explore the world with passion. With the motto of “Travel with elegance, depth and responsibility”, Voyage magazine upgrades the notion of travel, optimize the way of travel and lead the consumption in travel.


Voyage magazine targets the richest class in China and presents to them the high-end way of travel. Meanwhile, we offer you high-end travelling report at first hand, concerning about luxury travelling equipments, hotels, delicacies and aviation.


In depth
Each year, we send out reporting team to as many as 90 countries and regions, and invite photographers both home and abroad, as well as experts in terms of archeology, antique protection and environment protects, to explore places around the world and give first-hand reports. Meanwhile, we have experts from different fields connected to tourism, to answers questions from the readers and give instructions to them.


We call for travel of sustainable development. We emphasize that travel should protect the natural environment in destination and try to preserve the cultural diversification. In the process of globalization, we make our efforts to enhance the uniqueness of destiny and push the evolution of travel.
发行周期:月刊     总发布量:1期